VAI DORMIR Meditações Portuguesas Gratuitas

What Is 'The Next Right Thing' About?
Sarah Freeman produced ‘The Next Right Thing’ video to help people fight cravings. These cravings may be for alcohol… food… obsessing… drugs… food… gambling… or anything else you need to stop doing. People in 12-STEP programs will be more familiar with the content, but others may also find it helpful.
No More Bedtime Blues!
Our bedtime products have a proven track record. They help you or your angel unwind… relax… and fall asleep safely and naturally. They relieve insomnia and reduce the incidence of nightmares and night terrors. They help you fall asleep thinking happy thoughts… and wake up feeling happier!
Revolutionary Driving Product
Age-appropriate Options
What’s Next?
Best-practices Relaxation Music
Hospital Friendly
Feel More Confident
Does your child have separation anxiety? Do YOU get anxious during the day? Would you like to improve your performance? In addition to helping people relax and fall asleep… our products teach listeners techniques clinically proven to help their target age group reduce daytime stress & anxiety.