Rainbows and Sunshine guided meditations for kids

    Airy Melody’s Rainbows And Sunshine (AGES 6-11)

    Stress-proof your child with three guided meditations for kids that teach him techniques he can use in the daytime…  while helping him relax and fall asleep at bedtime!

    Ages: 6 to 11, or older for some children with autism

    Find Airy Melody Music on. Amazon Prime (CD) ….…  Amazon (MP3 Download). …….  iTunes…..…   Google Play

    Used on the transplant floor at Boston Children’s Hospital… and by ABA therapists to help kids with autism and ADD learn have a calm body.

    Rainbows (21:37) – A bedtime guided-meditation story with relaxation songs

    TIP:  Airy Melody provides different versions of Rainbows in our free download section.  Learn more.

    Rainbows is a delightful bedtime story… children unwind and drift into dreamland…  thinking happy thoughts… and wake up in a better mood!

    The soothing string and string music… playing peacefully in the background… helps lull kids into an even more relaxed state.

    Sunshine (26:06) – A relaxation narrative for bedtime/daytime use

    Sunshine guides children through children age-appropriate healing/relaxation healing techniques. These techniques have been clinically proven to help kids:

    This narrative is set to Pamela’s Paradise, a relaxation composition featuring flutes, wind chimes, strings, and waves.

    Blanket of Light Stress Buster (5:37) – bedtime/daytime

    This short stress-buster narrative is set to waves and acoustic classical guitar. It will not wake your child up if he is asleep, but it can be used during  the day to reduce stress.

    guided meditations for kids

    Worked Wonders!!! I got these for my 5 year old granddaughter. They worked like magic, helping her settle down at bedtime, not waking up several times at night! The music, stories and soothing voice are magnificent.

    Patty L. McClung, Mother and Grandmother, Centennial, CO. USA

    JOB TITLE:: Super Grandma!! Thanks to Super Grandma ... 5-year granddaughter now goes to sleep easily... and sleeps all night!!


    How Rainbows_With_Intro helps children cope with hospitalization and trauma


    Rainbows_With_Intro has an introduction  that sates your child  may want to listen while sitting and coloring, and they might put a sign on the door saying they are doing their imagining and please do not disturb.

    (Of course, sitting and coloring is not a good suggestion for a sleep aid, which we also have a version Rainbows_No_Intro which does not include these suggestions.)

    Listening to the story Rainbows while sitting up with crayons in a hospital setting can be incredibly beneficial for children for several reasons. Firstly, hospitals can be intimidating and stressful environments, especially for young patients. By allowing children to engage with the story while sitting up and coloring, they can feel a sense of normalcy and control. The act of coloring while listening to a soothing story can provide a comforting distraction from the clinical surroundings and medical procedures. This dual engagement of auditory and tactile senses helps to create a calming and immersive experience, reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

    Moreover, the option to color while listening to Rainbows can serve as a form of therapeutic expression for children recovering from trauma. Artistic activities like coloring enable children to process their emotions and experiences in a non-verbal way. This can be particularly important for those who may find it difficult to articulate their feelings. Combining this creative outlet with the positive and imaginative themes of the story can help foster a sense of hope and positivity, which is crucial for emotional healing. Incorporating elements of children guided meditation into this activity can further enhance its calming effects, as the story encourages mindfulness and relaxation.

    Additionally, providing children with the ability to put a sign on their hospital door stating they are ‘doing their imagining’ while listening to “Rainbows” gives them a sense of autonomy and personal space. This small act of control can be empowering for young patients who might otherwise feel powerless in a hospital environment. It signifies to others that the child is engaged in an important personal activity, which can also minimize interruptions and create a more respectful and supportive atmosphere.

    Overall, the practice of listening  while sitting and coloring supports a holistic approach to a child’s well-being in a hospital. It addresses not only their physical needs but also their emotional and psychological ones, providing a multifaceted approach to care that can significantly enhance their overall hospital experience. Incorporating children guided meditation through this story provides an additional layer of support, helping children to unwind and find peace amidst the challenges they face.

    When to use Airy Melody’s free sleep meditations

    • Start playing this for your child two weeks before surgery, deployment of a parent, or surgery for the child’s sibling.
    • Use this while your child is having a medical procedure.
    • Use this in the hospital to help your child fall asleep and to accelerate healing.
    • Play this at bedtime… and relax while your cherub happily slips into a peaceful slumber
    • Use this as a natural sleep aid..  for children with ADD.. autism… anxiety… and acute/chronic illness
    • In an ABA session or in class to teach calm body
    • In the school nurse’s office for kids with chronic anxiety or illness
    • In the hospital during chemotherapy or other medical procedures
    • To stop night waking including nightmares and night terrors
    • Listen to Blanket of Light in the car on the way to a big test, game, or recital
    • Use Sunshine to teach your child simple stress-reduction techniques to combat childhood stress
    • On vacation to make bedtime easy!
    • Let your child listen to this while the orthodontist is installing her braces!