Airy Melody
Music’s Free
Created with Boston doctors:
Age-appropriate sleep aids for
home or hospital. Reduce
anxiety… sleep… heal quickly.
Stress-reduction MP3s reduce
Tools for addiction/overeating.
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Ages 2 ½ – 6
The Swan (21:19)
The Mermaid (19:22)
In these free sleep stories, your child goes on peaceful adventures with a trusted friend. Woven into these soothing bedtime meditation stories are age-appropriate healing and relaxation techniques clinically proven to work for this age group. Your child relaxes and fall asleep, thinking happy thoughts and wakes up in a positive mood!
We recommend your child listen with her favorite stuffed animal, doll or action figure.
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
Learn more about these sleep guided meditations.
How to use these free sleep stories in the hospital and how to use these at home
Music and vocals: Sarah Freeman
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Dreaming of Ponies: Ages 4 – 11
Calm Breathing:
Ages 4 – 14
Dreaming Of Ponies (26:58)
Calm Breathing (12:32)
Age-appropriate calming techniques help your child relax and sleep, and learn to alleviate daytime stress!
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
Dreaming Of Ponies (26:58)
Your child is lulled to sleep while enjoying a comforting pony adventure. Woven into this story are clinically-proven relaxation techniques for children this age. Children unwind, fall asleep, and are less apt to wake up during the night.
Includes two relaxation songs: ‘Riding My Pony’ (Freeman) and ‘Bed Down Pony’ (Freeman).
Calm Breathing (12:32)
An age-appropriate stressbuster for kids – for day or night, set to relaxing string music and waves.
ABA therapists and parents use Calm Breathing to help kids on the spectrum.
Credits: Dreaming of Ponies
Story: Julie Blackburn and Sarah Freeman
Narration: Sarah Freeman
Classical guitar: (Beethoven, Schuëcker, and Bach) performed by Paul Zutrau and Danny Infantino
Classical guitar: ‘Wonderland’ (Infantino) performed by Infantino
Songs: ‘Riding my Pony’ (Freeman) and ‘Bed Down Pony’ (Freeman) | Guitar: Glen Petit | Strings and bells: Sarah Freeman
Sound effects: Happy Upton crickets recorded at Battleship Grey Studio in Upton, MA.
Credits: Calm Breathing
Narration: Sarah Freeman
Set to Pamela’s Paradise (Freeman) vocals, strings, flute and waves by Sarah Freeman
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Ages 6 – 11
Rainbow Meditation (21:37)
Sunshine (21:37)
Blanket of Light (5:37)
Does your child have trouble falling asleep? Daytime stress? We’ve got you covered!
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
learn more about Airy Melody Music’s Rainbow Meditation and Sunshine
Rainbow meditation (21:37): bedtime / daytime in hospital
A delightful bedtime guided meditation story… children unwind and drift into dreamland… thinking happy thoughts… and wake up in a better mood! The soothing string and string music… playing peacefully in the background… helps lull kids into an even more relaxed state. This meditation include two relaxation songs ; ‘Rainbows’ (Freeman) and ‘Sunshine’ ( Freeman).
We offer two versions of Rainbows:
1.Rainbow_with_Intro: hospitalization / trauma healing
This version includes an introduction suggesting your child may choose to listen while sitting up with crayons. It also suggests they might make a sign for the door stating “I am doing my ‘imagining’ and should not be disturbed.”
These strategies are very effective at helping children in hospital settings, or for children recovering from extreme trauma, learn more about how this helps children cope with hospitalization and trauma.
2. Rainbow_no_Intro: sleep aid
Suggesting a child sit up and color is not helpful when trying to help a child fall asleep, so this version does NOT include the introduction., This version is a sleep aid that promotes relaxation, sleep and healing while teaching stress-reduction techniques.
Sunshine (26:06): bedtime / daytime in hospital
This guided meditation for sleep and healing healing guides children through children age-appropriate healing/relaxation healing techniques. These techniques have been clinically proven to help kids. This narrative is set to Pamela’s Paradise (Freeman), a relaxation composition featuring flutes, wind chimes, strings, and waves.
Blanket of Light (5:37): bedtime/daytime use
Short stress-buster narrative set to waves and acoustic classical guitar. It will not wake your child up if he is asleep, but it can be used during the day to reduce stress.
Credits: Rainbows
Story, Composition and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Songs: ‘Rainbow’ (Freeman) and ‘Sunshine’ (Freeman)
Guitar: Paul Zutrau and Don Blanchard
Strings: Sarah Freeman
Credits: Sunshine
Story and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Set to ‘Pamela’s Paradise‘ (Freeman)
Vocals, strings, flute and waves: Sarah Freeman
Credits: Blanket of Light
Script and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Guitar: ‘Angelica’ written and performed by Roger Scannura
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Ages 11 to adult
Waves (25:48)
Light (25:09)
Two calming meditations for sleep and healing, developed in collaboration with psychologists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, suitable for both home and hospital settings. These narratives are paired with relaxation music, crafted following the latest best practices for optimal relaxation and healing.
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
Waves (25:21)
This peaceful guided meditation Includes exercises for progressive muscle relaxation and a serene, guided-meditation serene beach walk. The session is accompanied by soothing flutes, strings, and the gentle sound of waves, ensuring a restful and relaxing experience while you fall asleep.
Light (25:11)
This meditation for sleep and healing incorporates light imagery which has been proven to accelerate relaxation and healing. It also features a mindfulness relaxation segment as well as a visualization segment.
Visualization is a powerful mental tool that helps you prepare for events such as presentations, job interviews, recitals, sports competitions, and overcoming driving anxiety. This technique is widely used by top athletes, including Olympic gold medalists and champions like Michael Jordan. “Light” features beautiful guitar music and strings, and it is also effective for relaxation and visualizing healing.
Learn more about waves and Light
Credits: Waves
Story, Composition and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Guitar: Paul Zutrau and Don Blanchard
Strings: Sarah Freeman
Credits: Light
Story and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Set to ‘Pamela’s Paradise’ (Freeman)
Vocals, strings, flute and waves: Sarah Freeman
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For Drivers and Passengers
Welcome to Happy Driving (2:09)
Breathe (4:07)
Let Life Happen (1:57)
Intro to Driving Affirmations (:38)
Driving Affirmations (5:48 )
PT Blues (3:20)
Let Everything Be Fine (4:46)
Intro to No Big Hurry (:28)
No Big Hurry (2:50)
Gonna Lighten Up (3:37)
I Choose Peace (3:22)
Smile (2:02)
Thanks Paul (:30)
Paul’s Serenade (2:48)
Happy Driving Stress Reduction uses mindfulness…. affirmations… music…. humor… songs…. and patent-pending techniques developed by our experts. It helps you relieve driving anxiety and eliminate pent-up stress… while you drive! It is accompanied by a variety of music from around the world.
Arrive at YOUR next destination feeling calmer and rejuvenated!
How these Airy Melody uses techniques to alleviate anxiety and stress while driving
Scripts and narration: Sarah Freeman
Background music:
- Welcome to Happy Driving: ‘Weeping Willow’ (Infantino)
- Breathe: ‘Twilight Comes’/Peaceful Ruminations (Marino/Marino)
- Let Life Happen: ‘Baby Needs New Shoes’ (Haene)
- Intro to Driving Affirmations: ‘La Nuit’ (Graham)
- Driving Affirmations: ‘La Nuit’/’My One True Love’ (Graham/Graham/)
- ‘PT Blues’ (Freeman): Vocals: Meg Flannagan | Bass guitar/drum programming: Paul Zutrau
- Let Everything Be Fine: ‘Gathering Peace’/’St. James Infirmary’ (Adams/Infantino)
- Intro to No Big Hurry: ‘Mosey Along’ (Tametta)
- No Big Hurry: ‘Mosey Along’ (Tametta)
- ‘Gonna Lighten Up’ (Freeman) Vocals: Meg Flannigan | Drums: Jay Kegan: drums | Guitar/bass:. Claude Fiixler
- I Choose Peace: ‘Healing’ (Goudreau)
- Smile: ‘Rooster Strut’ (Tammetta)
- Thanks Paul: (Bach) performed by Paul Zutrau
- Paul’s Serenade: (Bach) performed by Paul Zutrau

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Letting Go – Guided Meditation
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
Letting Go Guided Meditation – let go of thoughts and/or habits that do not serve you. In this gentle guided meditation you can begin to release old thought-patterns or stuck emotions
Piano: Peaceful Ruminations/Twilight Comes (Marino/Marino)
Script and Vocals: Sarah Freeman)
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Light And Peace – Free guided meditation
Do not listen if you are driving or you need to remain alert.
A guided mediation for a light-filled mind and body. Alleviates insomnia…. stress and anxiety from finals… post-election stress syndrome… work stress… holiday stress…
Credits: Light and Peace
Script and Narration: Sarah Freeman
Acoustic Guitar: ‘Wonderland’/’Healing’ (Danny Infantino/Mike Goudreau)
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Fight Cravings: The Next Right Thing
Dareloko and Sarah Freeman and produced ‘The Next Right Thing’ to help people fight cravings. These cravings may be for alcohol… obsessing… drugs… food… gambling… focusing on negative news… or anything else you need to stop doing.
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Dual Diagnosis Mediation
guided meditation for people in recovery for dual diagnosis.
Do not listen to this if driving or you need to remain alert
Airy Melody Music created this meditation for people with a dual diagnosis. If you do not know what that means, this is probably not for you. If you are in recovery for dual diagnosis, please remember to do whatever you need to do, right now, to help yourself: seek professional help… call someone… read something… get active… or listen to this… just take the next right step.
Credits – Dual Diagnosis
Piano: ‘Ruminations/Twilight Comes’ (Merino/Merino)
Script and Vocals: Sarah Freeman
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Most of our downloads are secular. A few of our downloads (created for Christian, Jewish, Muslim or 12-step friends) mention God or a Higher Power and are marked accordingly.

‘God Is Guiding Me’
Mentions God… OK for driving… Popular with many 12-steppers, and people who want to practice having faith in God.
This comforting meditation reminds you that you are not alone. It is popular with many people in 12-step programs or other people who are working on having faith in God. As the name implies, it mentions God. If that is NOT helpful to you… please check out one of our other free downloads.
Credits – God is Guiding Me
Piano: ‘The True You’ (Bjorne Lynne)
Script and Vocals: Sarah Freeman
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‘It’s Fun, Fun, Fun to be a Frog!’
Best slap-bass solo EVER!
This children’s song is popular with kids and adults…. it is children’s song performed with some of Boston’s best studio musicians. It features a killer slap-bass solo that sounds like a frog hopping!
If you are a frog who does NOT think it is fun…. please check out one of our other downloads!
Credits: Fun To Be A Frog
Words and Music: Sarah Freeman
Guitar/Bass: Paul Zutrau
Lead Vocals: Linda Cimino
Kids chorus: Pamela Freeman, Janine Freeman, Tom Brodrick
Drum Programming: Sarah Freeman